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Five Ways to Use Snapchat for Public Relations

By: Jayla Kearney

According to Snapchat’s IPO paperwork, 158 million people use Snapchat daily. This number is now larger than Twitter’s daily users and still increasing. Mostly millennials and teens are operating Snapchat with 70 percent of users between the ages of 13 and 35 (Omni Core Agency). For this reason, Snapchat is an important platform when it comes to sending messages out to a younger audience.

Here are five ways to use Snapchat for public relations efforts:

  1. Behind-the-scenes footage and sneak peaks:

Snapchat can be used to provide a behind-the-scenes look into what is going on at a company. Snapchat is informal and gives professionals the opportunity to show the personality of employees. For example, fashion brands often Snapchat a behind-the-scenes look at photo-shoots. When posting the final photo or video on other social media websites, mention that behind-the-scenes footage will be shown on Snapchat to direct followers to the brand’s Snapchat account. Also, if there is a product coming out soon, showing a sneak peak on Snapchat can build excitement and get people talking.

Who is doing it well: Forever 21  gives a behind-the-scenes look into photo-shoots with models.

Image credit: Forever 21
  1. Reveal Offers and Promotions

Begin offering exclusive promotions for Snapchat viewers. If there’s an offer on the same day each month, consumers will remember to view the Snapchat stories and tell a friend. Reveal a coupon code that is only shown on Snapchat to measure the amount of sales Snapchat promotions can bring the brand.

Who is doing it well: GrubHub used Snapchat to reveal a coupon code for 15 percent off by removing slices of pizza. It was not only creative, but it encouraged users to continue clicking through their Snaps.

Image credit: GrubHub
  1. Influencer Takeovers

    Image credit: Sephora

Snapchat takeovers occur when influencers in the industry takeover a company’s Snapchat. This could be a social media star or a celebrity that the brand’s target market would be interested in watching. The influencer would mention the takeover on their other social media accounts, building the brand’s social media following.

Who is doing it right: Sephora gave Hannah Bronfman, a beauty influencer with over 350, 000 Instagram followers, a chance to takeover the Sephora Snapchat account. She promoted brands and reviewed beauty products for a short period of time.

  1. Interactive

 Engage with the brand’s Snapchat followers! Give them an opportunity to Snapchat a photo of themselves and a product and showcase it on the brand’s Snapchat story. Another way to engage with followers is to create a contest. Followers can either screenshot a snap to win a prize or reply to win a prize.

Who is doing it well: GrubHub, a food delivery service, asked their Snapchat followers to snap them a drawing of a pizza. Ten snaps were chosen randomly to win a discount.

Image credit: GrubHub
  1. Create fun filters!

    Image credit: Taco Bell

 Filters are what make Snapchat unique and fun. Creating a filter for a special occasion or a geofilter for a certain event is another way to encourage users to engage with the brand’s efforts on Snapchat.

Who is doing it well: Taco Bell created a filter for Cinco de Mayo in 2016 that turned users into a taco.


Although Snapchat’s audience is primarily young, half of Snapchat’s new users are over the age of 25. The user age range is widening and people use it daily, influencing social media professionals for various brands to start a Snapchat account.


Do you have any tips or suggestion for Snapchat usage? Let us know in the comments below, and check us out on Facebook and Twitter.


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